ENGLISH 12-ELECTIVE-Contemporary Literature
This course will focus on Contemporary Literature through practice and mastery of skills in the area of critical reading, writing, listening and speaking. We will examine a wide range of materials including, but not limited to: novels, films/media, short stories, drama, essays and poetry.
The objectives of this course include, but are not limited to:
focusing on contemporary issues found in the literature studied
developing critical thinking through a close analysis of texts and the synthesis of ideas
understanding selected techniques of drama, film, prose and poetry as they affect and enhance meaning
continuing to develop an individual writing style that expresses more fully thoughts and feelings
improving your verbal communication
Basic Supplies: 2 Pens, 2 Pencils, 1 Highlighter, Sticky Pad
Textbook / Anthology – To Be Distributed
Individual Works – To Be Distributed
1. Have all appropriate materials (pens, pencil, notebook, text, etc.) at your desk and get to work immediately upon entering the classroom.
2. Respect the people, equipment and furnishings of the class.
3. Adjust your voice level to suit the activity.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
5. Observe all classroom procedures and rules of the SCSD.
If You Choose to Break a Rule (In our class we will engage in ‘progressive discipline’ that follows three steps):
a. Counsel: We talk out the challenge
b. Contract: We create a contract
c. Call: We call home (As a general note, we rarely reach the third step.)
All elements that enable you to earn a successful grade are weighted almost equally. This allows you to capitalize on your strengths as you build skills in other areas.
In general these elements include, but are not limited to:
Class Work (Writing/Reading Assignments & Class Participation):
Home Work: (Writing/Reading Assignments)
Assessments: (Exams & Quizzes)
(Note: The teacher reserves the right to change and amend this document as needed)